🖇️The Underpinnings

Understanding how to be a more functional & less emotional HUMAN, is a vital step in the process to becoming a more patient & more profitable INVESTOR.

We just want you to become more capable & effective humans. To accomplish this, there are a few frameshifts that need to occur:

==> The Mental Bias Frameshift: "More" vs "Closer" 🤔

Humans will be humans. If no goal orientation or clarification is provided, it is very likely an individual will continue to push harder and harder in the never ending pursuit of "more". There is a fundamental problem here. Without clarity & conviction surrounding what you really want in life, and what it costs to fund that life; it is extremely difficult to inform quality financial behavior that helps you close the financial gap in a reasonable time frame.

There are no shortcuts. Chasing "moonshots" to "get rich quick" is gambling. However, the asymmetry is significantly to the downside. So, the best way to win predictably (in our opinion) is to domesticate risk by hedging your downside; while maintaining the WILD asymmetry to the upside that the crypto market as a whole has to offer.

When you create clarity around what you want in life and an appropriate time frame to get the things you want; it becomes much easier to devise a plan to predictably achieve that using cryptocurrency as a TOOL.

=> The Anchor: "The Solvable Problem"

Please watch our YouTube video below where we break down "The Solvable Problem" (The "Solvable Problem" is the intellectual property of Dan Nicholson & Nic Peterson)

Forge Finance is focused on giving people the tools to:

=> Reduce financial anxiety in crypto by making the price/chart irrelevant => Create conviction around the pathways & processes to predictably multiply your wealth => Accumulate assets to stay in a position of strength during various macro market cycles => Leverage NFTs & yield farming to solve problems or add value to their real world endeavors

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