🪙The "Gold Mine"

(None of this information is to be taken as prescriptive financial advice.)

This process articulated below is one way in which you can set up & passively grow your "Gold Mine" to print you more and more free assets, passively, over longer time preferences:

  1. Buy $FORGE tokens from KnightSwap using $BNB (Purchase Initial Gold Bar Supply)

  2. Provide liquidity on KnightSwap in the form of $FORGE/$BNB (Place The Gold Bars In A Crucible Cauldron)

  3. Stake the LP tokens into the $FORGE/$BNB farm on KnightSwap (Place Crucible Cauldron Into Furnace To Melt Gold Bars Down)

  4. Harvest $KNIGHT tokens emitted daily from the farm & stake into the $KNIGHT pool (Add Additional Molten Gold To Crucible Cauldron)

  5. Harvest $KNIGHT Emitted From The Pool & Stake Into A "Raids" Pool For Asset "X" (Refine The Molten Gold)

  6. Harvest asset "X" and swap it back to $BNB using the KnightSwap exchange (Pouring & Pressing Molten Gold Into Additional Gold Bars)

  7. Use half of new $BNB to buy more $FORGE tokens & pair with other half of new $BNB into LP (Stack Gold Bars In Your Gold Mine OR Add More Bars To The Crucible Cauldron To Compound)

  8. Rinse & repeat!

In cryptocurrency & DeFi most people are playing the "get rich quick" game. This "buy low, sell high to make profit" paradigm is all most traders/investors in this space know. This approach is OKAY and it certainly works for some, but for most, staring at charts all day and stressing through the extreme volatility & risk of DeFi isn't ideal or sustainable. Furthermore, incentivizing holders to provide LP for your project allows the project's liquidity to grow consistently over time, scaling alongside market cap growth. This provides a rising price floor & price stability at scale. It's a win, win; for everyone! Creating a "Gold Mine" that produces a consistent passive yield in $KNIGHT provides our holders with a clear path to getting more of what they want without ever having to sell $FORGE tokens. Doing so removes a fair amount of selling pressure, as holders are able to use their yield to fund other endeavors or pay themselves whenever they would like.

How do you encourage people to stay long-term you ask? Educate them & give them more of what they want for free. Creating an engaged community of sophisticated investors who have been educated on the underlying principles of wealth accumulation & the compounding interest process is absolutely vital to this project's success. If everybody works together, everybody can win exponentially over longer time-preferences. No more chart staring... No more financial anxiety... And best of all... More TIME for you to do the things that REALLY matter to you.

Last updated